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Dieser Beitrag enthält eine fortlaufende Liste mit Rollenbegriffen, die in der Fachliteratur im Zusammenhang mit dem (Forschungs-)Datenmanagement verwendet werden. Dabei sollten möglichst Quellen bevorzugt aus der Fachliteratur angegeben werden, die die genannten Begriffe verwenden bzw. definieren. Der initiale Datenbestand dieser Liste ist ein Ergebnis des Projektes GRAcE.

Term ( link) citations ( citations (Pubmed) comment Found at
archivist 2010: 10.1080/19386389.2010.506395 1942 PMID: 18015808 (10.2105/ajph.33.5.575) - -
chief data officer 2008: [1] - - yes
data accessioner 2014: [2] - - -
data administrator 1970: doi: 10.1007/BF00192482 1982 PMID: 10259220 - yes
data aggregator 2004: doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-30208-7_139 - technical component/software -
data analyst 1954: doi: 10.1029/JZ059i004p00513 1966: PMID: 4957682 - yes
data architect 1993: doi: 10.1063/1.44465 - - yes
data archivist 1974: doi: 10.1177/053901847401300309 - - -
data attacker 2003: doi: 10.1007/3-540-36415-3_2 - - -
data author - - combination only detected as artifact - Words "data" and "author" stand next to each other but are separated by ".", "/" or other separators -
data broker 2001: doi: 10.1007/3-540-45545-0_13 - technical component/software -
data chief - - - -
data classifier 1977: [3] - technical component/software -
data cleanser 2000: doi: 10.1016/S0198-9715(99)00056-3 - technical component/software -
data clerk 1967: doi: 10.1021/ac60255a008 - - -
data client - - artifact (e.g. data, client) yes
data coder 1974: doi: 10.5594/J07615 - technical component/software -
data collector 1947: [4] 1979: PMID: 10297653 (doi: 10.1177/016327877900200402) - yes
data consultant 1970: [5] - - yes
data consumer 1969: [6] - artifact (rather software component) yes
data contributor 1988: doi: 10.1080/10720538808412776 - - -
data controller 2010: [7] - - yes
data coordinator 1959: doi: 10.1145/1457838.1457872 - technical component/software yes
data creator 2003 doi: 10.1145/958160.958215 - most of the search results point to patents listed at (term not found on the target pages) -
data curator 1973: [8] - - yes
data custodian - 1996: PMID: 8881079 - yes
data descriptor 2009: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-02282-1_24 - technical component/software -
data director 1974: doi: 10.1007/3-540-06786-8_297, 1990: doi: 10.1177/109434209000400214 - also technical component/software -
data distributor 1998: doi: 10.1117/12.307575 - technical component/software yes
data driver - 2018: PMID: 28864838 (doi: 10.1007/s11517-017-1716-9) technical component/software -
data editor 1981: doi: 10.1116/1.571157 - technical component/software, sometimes occurs in combination of "editor"-chapters (editorials) in journals yes
data engineer 1965: [9] - - yes
data expert 1955: [10] 2012: PMID: 22419588 (doi: 10.1002/bmb.20579) - yes
data explorer 2017: doi: 10.1093/OBO/97801998283400200 - term definitions, not oldest citation yes
data generator 1974: [11] 2000: PMID: 10761778 rather a soft- or hardware component -
data governance manager 2011: [12] - yes
data hider 2003: doi: 10.1007/3-540-36415-3_2 - - -
data holder 1960: doi: 10.1109/IRET-ME.1960.5008067 - technical component/software -
data hygienist 2018: [13] - - -
data journalist 2017: [14] - - -
data librarian 1978: [15] - - -
data logger 1965: [16] - technical component/software yes
data manager 1975: [17] 1976: PMID: 1000975 ( doi: 10.1016/0010-468X(76)90022-2) - yes
data manipulator 1978: [18] - technical component/software -
data master 2001: [19] 2011: PMID: 21881548 aslo earlier mentioned as software name yes
data mentor - - artifact (e.g. data, mentor) yes
data modeler 2000: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-57225-8_4 - technical component/software yes
data monitor 1989: [20] - technical component/software yes
data munger 2009: [21], 2014: [22] - - -
data operator 1967: doi: 10.1080/00207176708921802 - technical component/software yes
data organiser 1999: [23] - technical component/software -
data originator 1955: doi: 10.1145/1455319.1455331 - - -
data owner 1964: [24] 2002: PMID: 12425722 ([25]) - yes
data partner - - artifact (e.g. data, partner) yes
data people - - artifact (e.g. data, people) yes
data player - - artifact: e.g. data, player -
data processor 1974: [26] - - yes
data producer 1961: [27] 2008: PMID: 19122860 - yes
data professional 1983: [28] - - yes
data provider 1952: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0084.1952.mp14011001.x 1984: PMID: 6425651 - yes
data publisher 1999: doi: 10.1108/EUM0000000007146 - - -
data recipient 2014: doi: 10.1016/j.jbi.2014.01.001 - - -
data recorder 1977: [29] - technical component/software -
data researcher 1975: doi: 10.1080/03050627508434415 - - yes
data reuser 1997: doi: 10.1890/1051-0761%281997%29007%5B0330%3ANMFTES%5D2.0.CO%3B2 - - -
data safeguard 1979: [30] - technical component/software -
data scientist 1950: [31] 2012: PMID: 23074866 - yes
data sharer 1988: doi: 10.1177/0002716288495001005 - - -
data shepherd 2004: [32] - also artifact with author name (e.g. data, Shepherd) -
data specialist 2001: [33] - - yes
data staff 1986: doi: 10.1016/0197-2456(86)90005-X - - -
data stakeholder 2007: [34] - - -
data steward 1991: doi: 10.1007/BF02265067, 2009: [35] - - yes
data submitter 1976: doi: 10.1108/eb053764 - - -
data supervisor 1962: doi: 10.1145/800198.806079 - - -
data supplier 1961: doi: 10.1037/h0039018 - - -
data tamer 2012: [36] - Software -
data transceiver 1960: doi: 10.1080/08832323.1960.10116270 - technical component/software -
data transfer officer - - yes
data trustee 1992: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9574.1992.tb01327.x - - -
data typist 1970: [37] - - -
data user 1947: [38] 1981: [ PMID: 12338364 in Pubmed "Data User News" (United States. Bureau of the Census, available as google books) is contained with one citation yes
data validator 1998: doi: 10.1021/es00064a600 - - -
data verifier 1977: [39] - technical component/software -
data viewer 1987: Hurley, Catherine. “Tlte data viewer: a program for graphical data analysis.” (1987). - Software -
data worker - - artifact: e.g. data, worker -
data wrangler 2012: [40] - - -
digital archivist 2000: Google-Books-ID: m7PgAAAAMAAJ - - -
digital assistant 1971: doi: 10.2307/3393735 - Software, synonym for computer yes
digital curator 1998: doi: 10.5860/crl.59.3.232, 2018: [41] - - -
document manager 1989: doi: 10.1109/49.17699 - technical component/software yes
Information analyst 1977: doi: 10.2307/248711 - yes
information expert 1984: doi: 10.1177/016555158400800302 - technical component/software yes
information manager 1982: doi: 10.1108/eb050844 - - yes
information officer 1960: doi: 10.1108/eb049779 - - yes
information professional 1985: doi: 10.3233/EFI-1985-3302 - - yes
information provider 1979: doi: 10.1109/TCE.1979.273221 - - yes
information scientist 1967: doi: 10.1002/asi.5090180405 - - yes
information specialist 1986: [42] 1975: PMID: 1120121 - yes
information technologist 2002: doi: 10.4018/978-1-931777-05-6.ch016 2007: PMID: 17224303 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2006.09.005) - -
information user 1975: doi: 10.1007/978-94-011-7759-7_32 1983: PMID: 10265744 - -
information worker 1974: doi: 10.1108/eb050444 - - yes
manuscript curator 2010: 10.1080/19386389.2010.506395 - - -
open science manager - - Stellenausschreibung CERN 2019 -
quality auditor 1989: doi: 10.1111/j.1911-3846.1989.tb00754.x - - yes
quality coordinator 2015: doi: 10.1057/9781137518163_8 1990: PMID: 10105495 - yes
quality investigator 1961: doi: 10.1021/jf60115a014 - - -
quality profiler 1989: doi: 10.1016/S0380-1330(89)71507-0 - - -
quality worker - - artifact -
record keeper 1924: 10.2307/1884594, 2010: 10.1080/19386389.2010.506395 1980: PMID: 10248412 - -
record manager 1946: [43], 2010: 10.1080/19386389.2010.506395 1983: PMID: 10265583 - -